A downloadable game for Windows

This project is for STG-452, Capstone II, taught by Professor Artzi. The project chosen was recreating a retro game using VR, with one of the examples being Space Invaders.

What we aimed to do with this game was to provide a fun, accessible experience for people who are either new to VR technology or unable to play large, complicated games a way to experience VR in the smoothest way possible. By keeping the game simple and small, it can be shared between people very easily and downloaded on any system that can run VR, as the specs to run it will be very minimal.


SpaceInvadersVR_1.0.zip 94 MB
SpaceInvadersVRv1.01.zip 94 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the folder and extract it to your destination of choice. Game is located within  the folder under the README.txt file

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